Oodles of awesomeness inside and out
While East Village is largely known for its landmark venues, award-winning public spaces and endless array of community programs, the overall awesomeness of the EV experience comes just as much from the small details and in-between spaces we pay so much attention to.
Public Art
Part of our neighbourhood’s magic is its capacity to surprise, delight, inspire and engage through carefully curated public art. On surfaces and structures throughout East Village and along RiverWalk, murals, sculptures and multimedia creations by local and international artists inject energy and intrigue into our streets and public spaces, sparking conversations and titillating content creators. Be inspired by EV’s public art.
Events & Programming
CMLC programs more than 650 activities every year in downtown Calgary’s east end—from live music and community festivals to birdwatching and river rafting to street markets and scavenger hunts—there’s always something happening here in East Village and on St. Patrick’s Island. Discover the wide variety of events and programs.

Hanging flowers and planter boxes
To complement the neighbourhood’s vibrant personality, East Village streets burst into colourful blooms every spring with planters and baskets full of flowers. The City of Calgary hangs flower baskets from lamp posts throughout the neighbourhood, while Foothills Landscaping installs seasonal arrangements in planter boxes year-round throughout the community.
Winter lighting program
To bring vibrancy and joy to the season’s long nights, adorning the neighbourhood’s 200 or so lamp posts with colourful lights is a winter tradition here in East Village. What began as a celebration of the Christmas holiday expanded in 2021 when we upgraded our lighting, which now brightens the way for passers-by from mid-November till the end of March.
Holiday décor
The holiday spirit shines bright in East Village with Christmas themed trees and oversized gift boxes adorning 5th Street Square. And don’t forget to look up as you wander the streets, you might just find yourself under a sprig of mistletoe – the perfect excuse to cozy up with a loved one.
Street light pageantry
Our unflagging efforts to enliven East Village with colour and intrigue include seasonal and event-related pageantry hung on lamp posts throughout the neighbourhood. Wintertime banners add to the spectacle of events like Chinook Blast, while the Progress Pride flag adorns EV’s streets in August and September.
Annual Awesomeness
650+ programmed days
65 community organizations
100,000 visitors to events and programs
10 – 14 EAST Team members delivering events and programming