A commitment to cleanliness and community
Clean amenities, unobstructed sidewalks and well-maintained landscapes are an invitation to come in—to immerse yourself in our real-life city neighbourhood.
Green Meadows Landscaping
A valued partner in East Village’s exciting evolution, Green Meadow Landscapes (GML) helps keep the neighbourhood tidy, attractive and in good repair. With maintenance crews working 12 hours a day, seven days a week, GML has eyes on the streets and boots on the ground, proactively tending to garbage pickup, snow removal and the ongoing upkeep of EV’s public spaces. They also play a vital role in keeping EV safe and secure. GML oversees the following maintenance on behalf of CMLC.
Cleaning and maintenance of outdoor seating and tables
Litter and debris pickup and disposal
Frequent emptying of garbage and recycling receptacles
Hourly cleaning and maintenance of public washrooms
Pathway/sidewalk cleaning and maintenance
Playground sweeps and maintenance
Sidewalk snow removal
Removal of graffiti and cleared encampments
Sharp/biohazard collection and disposal
Keeping It Clean - ANNUAL STATS
17,472 hours keeping EV clean
1789 hours removing snow
3750 lbs of ice melt used
432,000 lbs of garbage collected
9100 graffiti tags & stickers removed
Additional Resources
Street Cleaning – 311
Encampments – Alpha House Encampment Team
Needle Collection & Disposal – Needle Collection Team